About Me

Hi there! I’m so happy you stopped by. My name is Carmeletta Sue Evans – I go by “Sue”. No, I’m not Hispanic. My mother heard the name “Carmeletta” and was determined to have a daughter with the name, which is one of the reasons I am the 13th, and final child in my family. My interests are extremely varied, so my crafting business is a play on “miscellaneous” – Miss Allany’s Crafts. This blog is much the same. Here you will find news on my latest crafts, including crochet, vinyl, jewelry-making, quilting, and any other that I may eventually add. I love trying new things and getting creative. I also love, love, LOVE writing. So, I hope you will enjoy my yarns (no, not the textile…the stories) where I share some of my life’s experiences. And, in the “Inspirational” section you will find some of my testimonies and devotionals. I am a Christian, I – believe in God and His Word, and Jesus is my Savior. Those beliefs are what have gotten me through life, and through some very dark days. I’m far from perfect – even at 61, I am a work in progress, as I believe we all are. After 32 years of my marriage, my husband and I parted ways and I had to redefine who I am. I had to find myself. I’m still mother to two beautiful daughters, and “Nana” to two beautiful and lively granddaughters and one very ornery grandson. But life has changed drastically and this blog has been born from that journey. It is my sincere hope that I can touch lives in some small way, either by teaching a new craft technique, giving a chuckle from some of my “yarns”, or uplifting your spirit through my inspirational writings. Thank you so much for stopping by, and I hope you will visit often.